March 18, 2020
Well… it’s happened. The grey grumpy clouds are rolling in and mocking your desire of sunshine.
First things first, don’t panic. Rain is not the end of the world. Rain doesn’t necessarily mean everything is ruined. It just means that you might have to make a few last minute decisions on the day of your wedding. You should have already established a rain backup plan with your venue/planner so good job there! Also, keep in mind that most of the time it does not rain the whole day. I suggest you designate someone to be in charge of the radar and play it by ear. This is also where your wedding planner is super clutch in handling everything so you can remain present both physically and mentally during the day.
But what does that mean for photos?
If you have lived in Georgia over the past couple of months you know that it has been basically been raining forever! I’m very close to just buying a boat. Good news is that I am an expert in dealing with rain on a wedding day. Here are a couple of quick tips to being ready in case of rain.
– Buy clear umbrellas (just in case!) Target keeps clear umbrellas in-stock year-round. You can snag a few in case we need/want them for a few photos. Keep the tags on them so you can return after the wedding day if we/you didn’t use them.
– We will still go outside for photos. The best light is natural light. If it is a monsoon or tornado then we won’t go outside but if it is a sprinkle we will more than likely go onto a covered porch or pavilion. We are still outside in the pretty lighting but covered from the rain.
-Remain flexible. There have been days where I am keeping an eye on the radar and will ask you if we can modify the timeline. Sometimes it just takes a bit of rearranging to make sure we can accomplish everything.
– Keep a good attitude. Yes, you may or may not get slightly wet at some point. The ground might be damp, it might be humid, or the power goes out for 10 minutes at your venue (it happened, no big deal.) As long as you end the day married then everything else is the cherry on top. It’s incredibly hard to let go of control of something you have worked hard for and planned a long time. Sometimes that’s how the cookie crumbles and the best way to handle it is to just go along for the ride. I suggest if you are getting stressed about what’s happening lean into those you have chosen to surround yourself with. Let them comfort you. If you’ve chosen to do a first look this can be your new spouse!
All in all, rain is not all bad. Just establish a good rain backup plan before your wedding, hire a wedding planner, and let me handle the photo aspect!